Olowalu Water Company
Olowalu Water Company, INC (OWC) was established in 2000 by Olowalu Elua Associates LLC. OWC provides both potable drinking water and the Non-potable agricultural irrigation water to its service area. OWC has developed a well for the drinking water and utilizes the steam water for the majority irrigation needs of the community. OWC service area is the 635 acre region known as Olowalu, Maui, Hawai’i. The OWC received a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN) from the State of Hawaii Public Utilities Commission to provide potable water service to the Olowalu region in August of 2000. In 2003 Olowalu Water Company applied to the PUC to add the sale of irrigation water to original CPCN and on November 3, 2003, the commission granted the approval.
Description of the systems
Potable Water System:
The OWC potable system, known as Public Waste System No.209, as designated by the Hawaii State Department of Health. The system consists of one well (State No. 4936-01) located in Olowalu valley at 205 - foot elevation which is outfitted with a 250 GPM pump, 2 booster pumps, control building, and a 50,000 gallon control tank at the well site. Additionally a 0.50 - million (MG) storage tank at the 385 foot elevation that provides the storage reservoir for the distribution and fire protection system in the service area.
Non-Potable Water System:
Pioneer Mill constructed a gravity fed system of stream diversions, tunnels, flumes, ditches, and reservoirs. Pioneer Mill and its predecessors developed 2 shaft wells located within the service area as a supplement to the stream inconsistencies. Olowalu Elua Associates, LLC (OEA) developed 2 agricultural subdivisions, Olowalu Mauka consisting of 14 3 -5 acre lots and Olowalu Makai with 6 additional lots from 2 – to 16 acres within the OWC service area. OEA installed new main transmission lines and filter stations to service these lots. OWC originally utilized the only the upper stream diversion, located on state land, with 1000’s of feet of ditches, tunnels and flumes to deliver the primary source for the non-potable system. A storm on September 13, 2016 significantly damaged this system, The damage was
catastrophic as a result OWC’s efforts were then focused to restore the function of the Lower Olowalu Stream Intake, located on lands owned by Olowalu Elua Associates, LLC (OEA). This system now requires a booster pump to deliver the customers in the Olowalu Mauka Subdivision. In March 2018 the State Water Commission implemented Interim In-stream flow standards (IIFS) where OWC now has limited supply allowed to be diverted from the stream and OWC has begun the restoration of service to utilize the N-pump shaft well as a source and expects to have it on-line as backup to the stream system in the later part of 2021.
Deep Well Pump Information:
Olowalu Well No.1
· USGS ID: 4937-02
· Ground Elevation: 205.9
· Original date of construction: 1999
· Casing Diameter:10”
· Bottom of Casing: 220’
· Bottom of Well: 230’
· Date of latest Pump installation: July 2017
· Pump Type: Submersible Franklin Electric, Gicon 6CHC 5-STG pump Rated Capacity: 250 gpm HP25
· The well 2 pump is a multi-stage submersible turbine pump. submersible.