Water Service Management.
West Maui Land Company, Inc (WML) provides the water system and customer service management for Olowalu Water Company (OWC), Launiupoko Irrigation Company (LIC), Launiupoko Water Company (LWC), and Ha’iku Town Water Association (HTWA) all are considered public water systems. WML staff monitors the water systems daily and all billing and reporting functions using some of the latest meter reading technology to guarantee reliability. The staff of West Maui Land Company also performs the scheduled testing and reports for the State Department of Health along with the most repairs and maintenance of the systems.
WML continues to update and improve the water service infrastructure to ensure an efficient and reliable utility for all customers. LIC, LWC, and OWC are PUC-regulated and HTWA is home owner-managed.
If you have any questions about your water service please don’t hesitate to call us at (808)877-4202