Launiupoko Water Company
Schedule of Usage Rates:
Usage Rates per 1000 gallons Usage/Month
$1.43 Per Thousand Gallons up to 10,000 Gallons
$1.93 Per Thousand Gallons between 10,000 and 25,000 Gallons
$2.31 Per Thousand Gallons above 25,000 Gallons
Monthly Standby Charge:
Charge/Month Meter Size
$35.00 5/8” (standard for most Lots)
$43.00 3/4”
$52.00 1”
$57.00 1 ½”
$62.00 2”
$67.00 3”
$72.00 4”
$85.00 6”
$100.00 Over 6"
Charges for Fire Protection:
For each connection for automatic fire sprinklers or other private fire protection, there shall be a charge per month based on the size of the connection as follows:
Charge/Month Meter Size
$3.00 Hydrants
$2.00 Stand pipes
$2.50 Other
Charges for Extra or Larger Meters:
FACILITIES RESERVE CHARGE: The facilities reserve charge is a fee to be paid by customers for new or larger water meters as their proportionate share in improvements to the Company's water system.
In addition to the charges for the installation of the service connection and meters, the Company may charge the customer the applicable facilities reserve charge, the amount of which shall be dependent upon the size of the water meter to be installed and the following fee schedule:
Size of Meter First Meter Per Parcel of Land
5/8 inch $6,030.00
3/4 inch $8,442.00
1 inch $15,678.00
1-1/2 inch $34,974.00
2 inch $61,506.00
3 inch $138,690.00
4 inch $247,230.00
6 inch $555,966.00
8 inch $987,714.00
10 inch $1,543,680.00
12 inch $2,222,658.00
In the case of increasing the size of an existing meter, the difference between the large and smaller facilities reserve charges shall be paid. No refund will be made in the case of reducing the size of an existing meter. The Company reserves the right to waive the applicable facilities reserve charge in lieu of contributions by the customer.